8 jobs (out of 8)
Frontendutvecklare till Umefast
Fullstackutvecklare till Release Finans
IT-Generalist till Komatsu Forest
Azure Cloud Engineer till Komatsu Forest
Young Talent
Talent Network · Umeå
Full-stack utvecklare till Guideline Geo
Mentors for She Grows Mentorship program
Mjukvaruutvecklare till Guideline Geo
About Talent(h)ify AB
The foundation of Talent(h)ify emerged with the vision of changing the way you view HR & talent management and the concept of recruiting value-based. where both the company's and the talent's values are the focus in the match.
We stand between the talent and the organization ecause both parties need a sounding board in the process of changing their future. By acting as a broker between both parties – we ensure satisfaction and that the right match is being made.
We cooperate with carefully selected partners that works towards being a great employer and believe in sustainable leaders and employees and do their best to achieve so. We go the extra mile for our talents to find the right match.